Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hey, Star Wars. WHA happen?!

The new Star Wars movie, by all means, BLOWS! I was excited for this one, as George Lucas did not write or direct it. I've had a long running theory that when George Lucas writes and directs a Star Wars, it sucks. Case in Point- the new trilogy. Proof that the new trilogy could have kicked ass - Watch "The Clone" wars vols 1 & 2 produced for the Cartoon Network a few years back. These stories took place in the Anakin Skywalker segment on the Star Wars timeline, and they were great. And guess what- Lucas had little to nothing to do with them.

Out of spite and frustration, I created this- "The Lucas Theory" My watertight theory on why George Lucas' creative resources have dried up over the last 30 years.


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